The Library aims to support and enrich the teaching and learning programs at Holland Park High. Our mission is to ensure students are effective users and producers of ideas and information with the skills to become life long learners. It is a hub for teaching and learning containing two open teaching spaces, laptops for student use and recreational reading spaces. We provide an inclusive and supportive environment for students to learn, explore, communicate, interact and relax.
Staff and students have access to print and digital resources, including newspapers, magazines, fiction and non-fiction books. The Library maintains an up to date and relevant non-fiction collection for student research which are used for class assignments. All books are available for two week loan.
Library staff can offer students assistance with research, technology or finding a great book to read. Photocopying, printing and scanning services are also available and students can access the library from 8:30 am to 3:15 pm Monday to Friday.
Contact the Teacher Librarian with any questions about the Library's operation.
Teacher Librarian, Mrs Alison Winfield awinf1@eq.edu.au.