The Canteen
operates every school day during the school term but is closed the last Friday
of Term 4.
The Canteen
opens before school between 8:00am to 8:35am for students to purchase Breakfast
and drinks, and to pre-order their lunches for first break (Morning Tea) and
second break (Lunch). Students can pay either by CASH or EFTPOS.
Our menu
provides a wide range of healthy options to meet the criteria of the ‘SmartChoices - Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools’.
The Canteen offers menu
options to cater for Vegan, Vegetarian, Dairy Free, Halal, and Gluten Free
diets. For these special menu options, students MUST PRE-ORDER their
lunches BEFORE commencement of school. **Please note that the HPSHS Canteen
kitchen is NOT a Gluten Free environment but all Gluten Free meals are prepared
using GLUTEN FREE INGREDIENTS. If you have any concerns or questions
or require further clarification please contact the Canteen.
Our menus are
reviewed and updated regularly and are subject to change depending on season
and supply. View the links to the right for the menus.
The Parents and
Citizens Association operates the Canteen which is staffed by a Convenor
and a small team of Assistants and Volunteers, and profits from the
Canteen benefit the School. We value and appreciate extra help in the
Canteen, whether a parent or grandparent, so if you have time to volunteer
please contact either the School Office 07 3347 1111 or the Canteen 07 3347