Student, staff and community wellbeing
At Holland Park State High we are focused on enhancing the wellbeing of our community by using a common framework and language, promoting practical personal strategies and resources to support health and wellbeing, and empower our community to take a purposeful proactive approach. We have created a whole school wellbeing framework which supports staff, students and community in developing practical ways to enhance their own wellbeing and mental health.
Wellbeing @ HP Vision Statement
Empowering the Holland Park community to take purposeful action to enhance their own wellbeing as they STRIVE to flourish.
The staged implementation of our wellbeing framework focuses on
- Learn it and live it-Staff engagement with Positive Psychology'
- Teach it-Student and community engagement, referring to all aspects of a person's life with Positive Psychology principles.
- Teach it-Community engagement
- Embed it-Whole school community embraces Positive Psychology, and it woven into organisational policies, practices and processes.
Our aim is to engage our community through our framework and the implementation of a range of strategies. Our schools wellbeing committee has a implementation plan to ensure effectiveness.
Our Goals include:
- Whole school staff community at HP to understand and engage with the science of wellbeing and have a clear understanding of PERMAH
- Create a culture / atmosphere of care, kindness and understanding of others within the whole staff population at HP
- Develop a clear termly outline of the STRIVE program for years 7 – 12 utilising PEEC curriculum
Key components of positive psychology centre on increasing human flourishing and thriving through cultivating six core elements of psychological wellbeing and happiness.
These six core elements make up the PERMA+H model, designed by Seligman.