Health & Physical Education (HPE) is a compulsory subject for all students for years 7 - 10. HPE provides students the chance to develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding to strengthen their sense of self through movement. Health & Physical Education gives students the opportunity to acquire a range of movement skills and participate in a number of physical activities – confidently, competently and creatively.
Through studying Health & Physical Education, students will:
- Gain perspectives about nutrition and the science of human development.
- Acquire and develop a range of movement skills, concepts and strategies to respond confidently, competently and creatively in a variety of physical activity settings.
- Engage in and enjoy new sports and physical activities which will ultimately grow student's confidence in their own physical abilities.
Subjects Offered
7, 8, 9 & 10 | - Health & Physical Education
11 & 12
| - Physical Education
- Sport & Recreation
- Aquatic Practices
- Certificate in 3 Fitness
For further information and details about the units of study, please see the year level handbooks.
Head of Department Health and Physical Education – Craig Dawson